
  • Thaynara Cardoso Soares Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Sebastião Elias Milani Universidade Federal de Goiás


Abstract: Language is not static and the speaker is primarily responsible for the linguistic changes that occur within a speaking community. These changes can occur synchronously and diachronically. Thus, from a diachronic perspective, this study seeks to analyze the use of the oblique pronoun me acting as the subject in place of the straight case pronoun eu, present in some information about the Projeto Norma Urbana Culta in Rio de Janeiro. Our main theoretical apparatus is linguistic change. To reinforce our analysis, we will describe how normative grammars treat and classify personal pronouns. To obtain the data, we carried out a thorough search in the entire corpus of the NURC-RJ Project. From the entire analyzed corpus of the NURC-RJ Project, we found eleven occurrences of the studied phenomenon. After that, we analyzed the data obtained from the NURC-RJ speeches and found that the speakers use the pronoun me as subject preceding verbs in the infinitive. We conclude that this is because the personal pronouns of the Brazilian Portuguese Language have lost a number of cases and, as a result, the speakers use the pronouns me and me in different locations in the text, which can function both as a subject and as an indirect object.

Keywords: Personal pronouns; Linguistic change; Normative gramar; NURC-RJ Project.

Author Biographies

Thaynara Cardoso Soares, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Graduada em Letras Português pela Universidade Federal Goiás e aluna do Programa de Mestrado de Letras e Linguística da Universidade Federal de Goiás.


Sebastião Elias Milani, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Possui graduação em Letras - Português e Francês pela Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus de Assis (1989), graduação em Ciências Contábeis pela Faculdade de ciências econômicas de Presidente Prudente (1985), mestrado em Lingüística pela Universidade de São Paulo (1994), subárea Historiografia Lingüística, e doutorado em Semiótica e Lingüística geral, subárea Historiografia Lingüística, pela Universidade de São Paulo (2000). Atualmente é estatutário DE - classe E - Titular da Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG.


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How to Cite

Cardoso Soares, T., & Elias Milani, S. . (2022). THE USE OF THE OBLIQUE PRONOUN "MIM" EXERCISING THE FUNCTION OF SUBJECT IN THE DATA "NURC / RJ". Porto Das Letras, 8(1), 167–177. Retrieved from