Mito de Penélope; Homero; Margaret Atwood.Abstract
It is not of today that myths are revisited. However, regardless of the period when that happens, there is a common fact: rereading always takes place according to social, cultural, and political conditions at the time of the recreation. On the other hand, in rereading, specific characters of the "original element" are usually used, aiming, above all, to reaffirm current ideologies. This paper aims to discuss the dialogical relations between Homer's Odyssey and Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad. We discuss here the recreation of the myth by Atwood through her particular, parodic reinterpretation. She dialogues with the text that she recovers, above all, to demystify it, promoting the erasure of the male voice and the hero’s deconstruction. From these literary elements, this paper raises identifiable issues in contemporary times, offering a new perspective at the Greek myth and the classical world in general.
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