

The present study arose from concerns about the motivation of the signals of four municipalities in the state of Pará, specifically in the region of Carajás, located in the southeast of this state, composed of twelve municipalities. However, for this research on toponyms in Libras, we chose only four municipalities because they are the most known in the region, as well as the most used by deaf communities: Canaã dos Carajás, Eldorado dos Carajás, Marabá and Parauapebas. For this analysis, we used the toponyms presented in the work called “Cidades do Pará in Libras” prepared by Santiago-Vieira et al in the year of (2018). Thus, the following question arises: What are the motivations for the creation of toponyms in Libras in four municipalities in the Carajás region? Thus, we aim to analyze the motivations for the creation of toponyms in Libras in four municipalities in the Carajás region. As methodological procedures, following the taxonomic model of Dick (1990) and Souza-júnior (2012), we first analyze and present the motivations of the toponyms in Portuguese language and then analyze the motivations and toponymic types in Brazilian Sign Language, also performing phonological description of the signs from the five parameters. In this sense, it was possible to identify the toponyms of the historiotoponym, hydrotoponym and lithotoponym types, in addition to realizing that of the four analyzed toponyms, three use the graphotoponym taxonomy, being identified more than one motivation for the creation of some signs. We also note that the creation of toponyms in Libras in the four analyzed municipalities is not related to the motivations of the toponyms in Portuguese.

Keywords: Toponymy; Libras; Carajás Region.

Author Biography


Mestranda em Estudos Linguísticos da Libras (2020), no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras - PPGL-UFT. Graduada em Letras Libras e Língua Portuguesa como (L2) para Surdos (2016), pela Universidade Federal do Pará-UFPA. Especialista em LIBRAS pela Universidade Cândido Mendes- UCAM (2016). Pós-Graduada- lato sensu em TRANSTORNO DO ESPECTRO AUTISTA: intervenções multidisciplinares em contextos intersetoriais pela Universidade Estadual Do Pará-UEPA. Professora efetiva da educação geral no município de Tucuruí-PA


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, F. A., dos Passos Leal, M. M., & Freitas de Miranda, J. . (2022). TOPÔNIMOS EM LIBRAS: UM ESTUDO DA MOTIVAÇÃO DOS SINAIS EM QUATRO MUNICÍPIOS DA REGIÃO DOS CARAJÁS. Porto Das Letras, 8(2), a22003. Retrieved from

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