Quantum emergentist ontology and the collapse of the wave function





Quantum Ontology, Wave Function, Schrödinger Equation, Measurement Problem, Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics


In Para uma interpretação emergentista do problema da medição; uma hipótese de trabalho, the Portuguese philosopher of physics, João Luis Cordovil accomplishes with elegant simplicity and didacticism a task that is far from being the easiest, namely, to introduce the reader to the state of the art of a field of research of high expertise, and to contribute to the specialized literature by adding something new to the debate, thus advancing in some measure the frontiers of knowledge. The question presented and faced by Cordovil, is, as the author himself states in the abstract of the work, the great, or perhaps the "only problem" of Quantum Mechanics: the problem of measurement. In this text, we analyze the proposal of an emergentist ontology as a hypothesis to solve the measurement problem in QM.


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How to Cite

da Silva, V. C. (2025). Quantum emergentist ontology and the collapse of the wave function. Perspectivas, 9(2), 140–171. https://doi.org/10.20873.rpv9n2-24