Imagem, neoliberalismo e a experiência dos memes de internet


  • Vinícius Martins Corrêa UFT



The dynamics of the article is based on a theoretical exercise and a practical classroom activity derived from the theory developed. The main theoretical issue is developed with a focus on building an understanding of the epistemological character of the cine documentary. Within this epistemological discussion several aspects are present and exposed in the text: the question of the gaze, the image, parrhesia and, finally, post-truth and the dynamics of the Internet. After this theoretical movement is proposed an activity that works with students the issue of meme, its aesthetic functionality of image and its potentiality as discourse, relating the theory with a practice consistent and concrete of the usual life of students.

Keywords: Cinedocumentary. Post-truth. Epistemology. Meme.



How to Cite

Martins Corrêa, V. (2022). Imagem, neoliberalismo e a experiência dos memes de internet. Perspectivas, 7(1), 283–299.