MISINFORMATION IN DIGITAL CULTURE: reflections from Cognitive Democracy and Dialogue between Knowledges
https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2020v6n6a10enMots-clés :
knowledge, disinformation, media educationRésumé
The changes that represent the accessible technology and the use of social networking media in digital culture pose new questions and challenges as we are, at the same time, producers and consumers of information. Disinformation affects public life and threatens democracy. Based on the ideas of Cognitive Democracy (Morin, 2014) and the Knowledge Dialogue (Leff, 2006), we will discuss the theme in the light of an analytical framework of the research “Values and Arguments in the assimilation and propagation of disinformation: a dialogical approach”. Media education appears as a historic and democratic need to combat fake news. In this sense, the possible solutions should build and strengthen collective learning about communicational and educational processes that promote reading and understanding of codes to interaction in social media.
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