La crítica de la película El valor de un hombre, de Stéphane Brizé
This work presents an analysis of the film The value of a man, of the director Stéphane Brizé, 2015. The cinematographic work develops in a context of the new materiality of the capital, circumscribed in the reduction of stable and formal workers, whose background is the capitalist domination in its global financial phase, where the profitability of the company is more important than the subject who works. Thus, at first, are pointed the wanderings of Thierry, the protagonist of the film, unemployed, at age 51 and with a family to look after, looking for a job. Thierry, even as unemployed, seeks to act ethically and trusts that, through training, internships and participation in interviews, employment will come. In this trajectory, the difficulties accumulate and the devastation of the human being is revealed in the job queues, inviting us to think about the drift of the unemployed workers. In the second part of the film, the focus turns to the job of vigilante in a department store that Thierry has achieved. Here, the moral dilemma of the character is the center of the narrative. With the tasks of keeping an eye on shoppers and shop clerks, Thierry appears in a "sitting room", accompanied by another clerk, interrogating potential "steals" of shop objects. In his morality, Thierry is always embarrassed, but survival leads him to submit to management practices aimed at securing "market law," that is, the exacerbated profits of capitalist corporations in the era of consumer society and civilization of capital.
Keywords: neoliberal capitalism; unemployment; new management practices.
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