Motivational dynamics
An analysis of the modifications made to Viau’s model over time
This paper begins by providing an overview of the notion of motivation from a socio-cognitivist perspective by briefly presenting the various models developed successively by Bandura (1986), Pintrich and Schrauben (1992), and Eccles and Wigfield (2002). It then examines the modifications made over time to the model of motivational dynamics, which was devised by Rolland Viau between 1994 and 2014. This model is widely used in the French-speaking education community. However, an analysis of the terms and the links between terms appearing in Viau’s model reveals that a number of changes were made to this model over the years. This situation is illustrated by means of an evolutionary scheme depicting these improvements over time. The paper also attempts to make links between the various changes made to the model and the evolution in ways of thinking in the field of education. In conclusion, this article suggests avenues for reflection that can guide future research projects and promote the utilization of Viau’s model for research purposes.
Keywords: Motivational dynamics, motivation model, motivation for learning, Viau.
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