Experience about the work process of the Health Teams of the Gurupi-to municipal Family


  • Jeann Bruno Ferreira da Silva Universidade de Gurupi - UnirG
  • Thaís Valadão Reis Universidade de Gurupi
  • Hericácia de Sousa Rocha




Among the daily challenges of the work process of the professionals of primary care, are the experiences of situations that require quality in the care of users and articulation of knowledge with other health professionals in favor of the welfare of patients. The objective was to understand the perceptions of the coordinators of the Family health teams/FHS of Gurupi-TO on their work process. This is a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study. The sample consisted of 10 nurse coordinators of the FHS in the municipality of Gurupi-TO. Data were collected in a single moment in the month of October 2017 mounth with the coordinator of each UBS by means of a semi-structured interview script, analyzed and categorized according to Bardin's content analysis. The results showed that 50% of the nurses are not satisfied with the physical structure of the UBS that work. It was concluded that most professionals are unhappy with the conditions offered in their work process, such as inadequate physical structure to demand, deficit of professionals, excessive attributions and absence of official vehicles for Urban-rural locomotion.



How to Cite

da Silva, J. B. F., Valadão Reis, T. ., & de Sousa Rocha, H. . (2019). Experience about the work process of the Health Teams of the Gurupi-to municipal Family. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 6(4), 40–47. https://doi.org/10.20873/uftv6-6556


