African History teaching supported by Open Educational Eesources (OER)


  • Daniel Bueno da Silva Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Rosária Helena Ruiz Nakashima Universidade Federal do Tocantins



This article presents the construction and the discussion of the didactic fields that composed an Open Educational Resource (OER) that was applied in the course of History Teacher Training, Federal University of Tocantins, Campus de Araguaína. The selection of the content "Ancient African History" considered of the invisibility and the reductionist views that sometimes have on this continent. As a technological resource for the construction of REA, Prezi was chosen since it presents the possibilities of implementing the principles of collaboration, sharing, remixing, and adaptation that guide the development of this research. The results pointed to the need to foster the production of especially open resources on the History of Africa. In addition, in developing this research, it was possible to highlight the potential of OER for the teaching of History, contributing to initial and continuing teacher training.


Keywords: OER, Digital information and communication technologies, Ancient African History.


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How to Cite

Silva, D. B. da, & Nakashima, R. H. R. (2018). African History teaching supported by Open Educational Eesources (OER). DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 5(4), 124–133.


