Multimodal genres in the classroom:

working with comics in high school classes


  • Valfrido da Silva Nunes Universidade Federal de Alagoas



Anchored mainly in the studies on genres (MARCUSCHI, 2010; 2011) and multimodality (DIONISO, 2011), this article has the main objective to discuss multimodal genres in Portuguese language classroom of high school, in a public school of the state network of education of Pernambuco, Brazil, in 2009. For that, a research was carried out in 3rd year high school classes, whose focus was to investigate the extent to which students were able to identify multimodal genres (graphic novel, cartoon, political cartoon, comic strip, caricature), as well as the communicative purposes associated with them. The findings revealed the lack of knowledge of the multimodal genres mentioned above by high school students, which should not happen since they are in the final stage of basic education.


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How to Cite

Nunes, V. da S. (2019). Multimodal genres in the classroom:: working with comics in high school classes. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 6(2), 67–75.


