Reflections on PIBID - Portuguese Language workshops apllied in online and face-to-face modalities


DOI: %20


The present work aims to reflect on the workshops of the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (Pibid) applied in the remote versus in-person modality. This is due to the insertion of information and communication technologies in the school environment, a fact that makes us think about the impacts and reflections with the use of these resources in classrooms and what are the initial inferences in the application of the Pibid workshops. For this, we sought to identify the teaching methodologies and approaches applied in the workshops; identify the Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DCIT) used in the meetings; and enunciate the main points of contrasts and/or affinities between the modalities of remote and face-to-face teaching. The methodology used is of a qualitative nature and is anchored in: National Common Curricular Base (BRASIL, 2018), Literacy (KALANTZIS; COPE and PINHEIRO, 2020), pedagogy of multiliteracies (ROJO, 2012), Innovative Schools (BUENO; RODRIGUES and MOREIRA, 2021; FERREIRA, 2019) and Freirean education (FREIRE, 1989). Therefore, the use of information and communication technologies in the workshops offers a new look at educational practices, whether remote/face-to-face. However, it is necessary to institutionalize and implement public policies that guarantee the implementation and maintenance of DCIT in schools.

Author Biographies

Jardeane Reis de Araújo, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Master's student in the Post-Graduate Course in Letters at the Federal University of Tocantins - UFT. In the research line of Language Policies in Libras.

Camila Gabriela, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Graduating in the Languages ​​course at the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) in the area of ​​English Language and Literature studies, she recently participated in the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (PIBID) as a scholarship holder, currently she will also be working with the scientific initiation project (PIBIC) Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program in public schools in the city of Porto Nacional, and in addition, I have already been part of the PIIP (Institutional Program for Pedagogical Innovation) in partnership with the Federal University of Tocantins, in partnership with CECLLA (Center for Continuing Studies in Letters, Linguistics and Arts) and in addition, I am a member of the CNPq research group (Digital Technologies and Multimodality in Teaching - Learning Languages ​​and Literatures (TDMELL).

Samuel, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Graduating in the course of Letters-Portuguese Language and respective Literatures at the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), he recently participated in the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (PIBID) as a scholarship holder.



How to Cite

Reis de Araújo, J., dos Santos Carvalho, C. G., & Pereira Rodrigues, S. (2023). Reflections on PIBID - Portuguese Language workshops apllied in online and face-to-face modalities. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 10(Especial 2).