Application of artificial neural networks in the mahogany culture (Khaya spp. e Swietenia spp.)




artificial intelligence, biometrics, measurement


Due to their high commercial value and acceptance in the international market, mahogany species have been exploited indiscriminately, even in protected areas, resulting in threat of extinction. Mahogany species are desirable both in terms of color and grain patterns and in their properties. physical and mechanical. Both species have similar characteristics and are considered resistant to the attack of fungi and termites. Mahogany (Khaya spp. and Swietenia spp.) Has great productive potential in Brazil, being a good alternative to the most expressive crops in the country, for example. Since they are noble woods, and like Mahogany, Artificial Neural Networks (RNAs) are also good alternatives to estimate different dendrometric variables in different cultures, and studies show that this technique has been producing excellent adjustments, especially when compared to regression models. Traditional Thus, this review aimed to provide information on the different applications of RNAs in mahogany crops in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. C., Silva da Silva, F. C., Viana Souza, I., Rodrigues Duarte, V. B., Ataíde, Y., & Bueno Coelho, M. C. (2020). Application of artificial neural networks in the mahogany culture (Khaya spp. e Swietenia spp.). Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 8(1), 017–023.

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