Evaluation of volumetric models for commercial planting of Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess in the southern region of Tocantins state





guanandi, rigorous cubage, forest biometrics


Rigorous cubing is the measurement of various diameters along the tree trunk to obtain the true volume of a single tree. To estimate a volume for a given planting, volumetric equations are used, which generate the volume with the least error and closest to the actual volume. Thus, rigorous cubing by the Smalian method was performed on 46 trees, determined by diameter class, with a minimum adopted diameter of 2 cm. Nine volumetric equations were tested, based on the following criteria: Adjusted coefficient of determination (R²aj), coefficient of variation in percentage (CV %), and graphical analysis of residues. With the data analysis, the best fit model was Schumacher-Hall, presenting the following results: adjusted R² = 0.979, CV% of 2.24, the graphical analysis of residual dispersion between the observed and estimated values showed that the function ln(v) = -15.0053 + 1.29298.ln(d) + 1.266519.ln(h) presented adequate adjustment. With the selected equation, the volume was estimated at 6.22 m³.ha-1 year, considering 1,250 trees per hectare at 7 years.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. C., Goergen, S. F., Coelho, M. C. B., Giongo, M., Erpen, M. L., & dos Santos, A. F. (2018). Evaluation of volumetric models for commercial planting of Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess in the southern region of Tocantins state. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 6(1), 202–208. https://doi.org/10.20873/jbb.uft.cemaf.v6n1.cardososilva

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