Effect of cercospora spot and yield on maize cultivars in no-tillage system


  • Manoel Mota Santos Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • João Carlos Cardoso Galvão
  • Maria Lita Padilha Corrêa
  • Aurélio Vaz de Melo
  • Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis
  • Hélio Bandeira Barros
  • Manoel Mota Santos Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • João Carlos Cardoso Galvão Universidade Federal de Viçosa https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7679-2401
  • Maria Lita Padilha Corrêa Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Aurélio Vaz de Melo Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis Universidade Federal do Tocantins https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7306-2662
  • Hélio Bandeira Barros Universidade Federal do Tocantins




Zea mays L., nitrogen fertilization, plant diseases


The incidence of attack of the pathogen that transmits gray leaf spot has increased in recent years in the corn producing areas, mainly influenced by successive planting corn after corn, but also by cultivating in late summer, a fact of great importance to promote the increase of the disease. The impact of the disease in the crop is raised to the fact that much of the pathogen colonizes leaf tissue, diminishing the photosynthetic tissue, leading to premature senescence and, consequently, reducing the yield. The research objective this work was to identify the reaction of cultivars to spot the Cercospora and its effect on grain yield of maize. The study was conducted in Coimbra - MG, no-tillage in reduced spacing and population of 83,000 plants ha-1. We evaluated the incidence of diseases and grain yield in eight maize cultivars. In the general context, it is concluded that the incidence of cercospora was not influenced by the high plant population and not by the spacing between rows; already obtained more cultivar P 3041 yield.


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How to Cite

Santos, M. M., Galvão, J. C. C., Corrêa, M. L. P., de Melo, A. V., Fidelis, R. R., Barros, H. B., … Barros, H. B. (2011). Effect of cercospora spot and yield on maize cultivars in no-tillage system. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 2(3), 67–71. https://doi.org/10.20873/jbb.uft.cemaf.v2n3.motasantos

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