Crestamento gomoso do caule da melancia: Etiologia, epidemiologia e medidas de controle




Cancro da haste, Didymella bryoniae, Citrullus lanatus


The stem gummy blight (Didymella bryoniae) is one of the most important fungal diseases of the crop of the watermelon, because it causes damping off of the seedlings, lesions on leaves and cotyledons, and formation of cankers on stems and stalks. The fungus survives in the absence of the host on or beneath the soil, in sick crop residues, in other cultivated curcubitáceas, weeds or seeds. To control the disease is recommended the adoption of integrated management techniques, including cultural practices, chemical control and genetic control with the use of tolerant and / or resistant genotypes and other measures. This review aims to address the information to organize knowledge obtained in national and international literature on the gummy stem blight in watermelon crop. We tried to relate the aspects of etiology, epidemiology and controlling measures of D. bryoniae. It was noted that after several studies had been conducted so far, you must search for further information about the biology of the pathogen and the management of the disease in the field.


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How to Cite

dos Santos, G. R., Leão, E. U., de Castro, H. G., do Nascimento, I. R., Sarmento, R. de A., Sarmento-Brum, R. B. C., … Brum, R. B. C. S. (2011). Crestamento gomoso do caule da melancia: Etiologia, epidemiologia e medidas de controle. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 2(2), 52–58.

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