Physico-chemical and microbiological analysis of milk sold in Gurupi (TO, Brazil)




acidity, density, Salmonella spp, total coliforms, milk


Bovine milk is a commonly consumed beverage that is essential to the diets of millions of people worldwide. It provides important macro and micronutrients, particularly for children and adolescents, including proteins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin B-12, and others. However, fresh milk is an excellent medium for the growth of pathogenic or non-pathogenic microorganisms due to its physical and chemical characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to heat-treat fresh milk to ensure food safety. In Brazil, the sale of raw milk has been prohibited since 1969, but the sale of milk and its products is widespread throughout the country. The objective of this study was to analyze the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of raw and pasteurized milk samples sold in Gurupi-TO. This analysis aimed to determine the quality and potential risks associated with their consumption. The physicochemical parameter results indicate that one of the samples did not meet the acidity parameters, and another did not meet the density parameter. Regarding microbiology, the results are concerning. All samples showed high levels of total coliforms, 83.3% tested positive for thermotolerant coliforms, one sample indicated the presence of Salmonella ssp., and 83.3% and 75% of the samples showed poor results for the Standard Plate Count and mold/yeast parameters, respectively. Therefore, this study demonstrates the significance of avoiding the consumption of in natura and the necessity of raising awareness among the public regarding the associated health risks. Additionally, it highlights the importance of monitoring commercialized products to ensure the well-being of the population.


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Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity



How to Cite

Bezerra, F. A., Pereira, D. H., Sarmento, R. A., Cavallini, G. S., & Souza, N. L. G. D. de. (2024). Physico-chemical and microbiological analysis of milk sold in Gurupi (TO, Brazil). Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 12(2), 126–131.

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