Perception of the student in the training process of the Degree in Chemistry Ead in the face of the limita-tions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic




distance education, teaching mediated by technologies, teacher training, COVID-19 pandemic, Amazon


The formalization of educational methods represents humanity's attempt to make the sharing of knowledge common in the various practices of learning. With regard to knowledge sharing, there are no totally right or wrong models, and it is up to students and educators to adjust the model considered viable for the context and time in which the learning process is inserted. In addition, different models can complement each other, maximizing the potential of each one or mitigating weaknesses that may exist. In this sense, the need for physical distancing and social isolation imposed by the covid-19 pandemic accelerated the popularization of education in various institutions throughout the planet. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the various aspects that make up the use of these tools as educational adjustments during the pandemic period. In this sense, the objective of this work was to carry out a diagnosis through the report of the experience of the academics of the Degree in Chemistry EaD at the Federal University of Tocantins during the Covid-19 pandemic in the triennium 2020, 2021 and 2022. a basic descriptive research with a quantitative approach, with the collection of data from the application of an online questionnaire to the students of the Degree in Chemistry, in the form of Distance Education. Benefits of the Distance Education modality were found superior to the face-to-face modality courses during the pandemic period, due to the availability of the use of platforms and technologies already established throughout the course of distance education.

Author Biography

Tullio Teixeira Deusdará, Federal University of Tocantins

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Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity (CeMAF / UFT)



How to Cite

Deusdará, T. T., Daronch, R. A. de O., Vital, M. de K. G. S., Silva, G. O. da, Brito, R. S. de, Turíbio, R. de C. B. S., … Silva, D. B. da. (2022). Perception of the student in the training process of the Degree in Chemistry Ead in the face of the limita-tions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 10(2), 174–181.

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