Trichoderma as a growth promoter for eucalyptus seedlings




biostimulant, seedling production, forestry


The study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of Trichoderma isolates on the initial growth of Eucalyptus brassiana and Eucalyptus urophylla under greenhouse conditions. Five isolates of Trichoderma were used in the approximate concentration of 1x109 of conidia per gram of colonized rice, mixed with the substrate, using tubes with a capacity of 50 cm3. E. brassiana and E. urophylla species were evaluated for height (H), root length (RL), diameter (DC), dry shoot (DS), root (DR) and total (DT) . Relative efficiency (RE) and Dickson's Quality Index (DQI) were also evaluated. All isolates were superior (p <0.01) to the control in H and DS for E. urophylla, with a variation from 9.4 to 56.2% of increase in relation to the control at 100 days after sowing (DAS). In the E. brassiana species, the UFT 203 and UFT 205 isolates were statistically superior to the control and to the other isolates in DS, DT and RE at 100 DAS. For the species E. urophylla, the UFT 204 isolate promoted growth in H, DC, DS, DR and DT, with 56.5; 13.2; 25; 26.5 and 25.3%, higher than the witness, respectively. The inoculation of Trichoderma promoted the initial growth of seedlings of E. urophylla and E. brassiana. There was specificity for the different species of Trichoderma in relation to the two plant species, with a better relationship between E. urophylla with T. longibrachiatum (UFT 204) and E. brassiana with T. harzianum (UFT 203).


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Trichoderma como promotor de crescimento de mudas de eucaliptos



How to Cite

Chagas Jr, A. F., Gomes, F. L., Souza, M. C. ., Martins, A. L. L. ., Oliveira, R. S. de ., Giongo, M. ., & Chagas, L. F. B. . (2021). Trichoderma as a growth promoter for eucalyptus seedlings. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 9(1), 060–072.

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