Smart Cities: Energy and Sustainability




Cidades inteligentes, Energia, Sustentabilidade


With population growth come significant challenges that we must address in the coming years, especially for governments, businesses, and universities. Among these challenges, population growth in urban areas stands out as a cause for concern about the future of energy resources. Sustainable development increasingly depends on effective management that encompasses economic, social and environmental dimensions. To achieve this goal, the public and private sectors are investing in technologies and other resources in an attempt to implement the smart city concept. Although the term "smart city" is widely used, there is not yet a general consensus on its meaning. However, there is some agreement that these cities are characterized by the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), which help cities improve the use of their resources in various urban areas. This article aims to provide a brief introduction to the concept of smart city, establishing a close relationship with energy and sustainability, given the importance of this issue in today’s society. It also presents some of the most important cities in the continents, as well as in the Brazilian context, highlighting the reasons that qualify them as Smart Cities.



How to Cite

de Barros Brito, B. et al. 2023. Smart Cities: Energy and Sustainability. Academic Journal on Computing, Engineering and Applied Mathematics. 4, 2 (Oct. 2023), 21–24. DOI:



Special Issue
