O aspecto verbal em português

reflexões sobre ensino, diretrizes curriculares oficiais e livro didático


  • Diane Paula Mazzuchello UNIOESTE


Despite being an expressive linguistic resource in text production, verbal aspect is generally neglected in Portuguese teaching. This paper aims at reflecting on the concept of verbal aspect, problematize the teaching of the verb and analyze official curriculum guidelines and a Portuguese textbook for Elementary School, in order to verify whether they mention any approach of the aspectual values of the verb in utterances and texts. The examination of these documents is justified by the fact that they constitute tools that guide the teacher’s work in the classroom. The results of the analysis showed that the verbal aspect is not included in the list of contents of the discipline in the normative curriculum documents or in the textbook. Considering that this category is important for the mastering of reading and writing skills, as it expresses the perspective of the text producer on the development of the verbal action, these results represent a gap in the students’ language education


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How to Cite

Mazzuchello, D. P. (2021). O aspecto verbal em português: reflexões sobre ensino, diretrizes curriculares oficiais e livro didático. Porto Das Letras, 8(1), 144–166. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/13015