Dialetologia; Projeto ALiB; variação lexical; regionalismos; canjica/curau com coco.Abstract
This article, guided by theoretical principles of Pluridimensional Geolinguistics (THUN, 2000), aims to discuss the pattern of general and regionals norm, from description and analyse of lexicals variants diatopic distribution registered as answers to the question 179, to verify variants for canjica/ curau with coconut, applied by Linguistic Atlas of Brazil Project (ALiB) members, to 250 localities situated on Brazilian territory. It was cropped a sample containing 1000 informants with Primary education, residents in the national capitals and countryside of the total established by the project, considering the diassexual variable (men and women) and diageracional variable (young and old person). Throught the elaboration of linguistic maps, photographing the national and the regional distribution, it was found the formation of area that could be delimited by isolexicons, indicating the regional variants integration. Further, to validate the linguistic forms registered, we consulted general and etymological dictionaries. In summary, we have gotten some regionalisms, however, to this referring, we haven’t observed the configuration of a designation with general use in Brazil; in addiction, the diversity nominations revealed the influx of regional customs in the denomination process, such as the habit of adding or not specific ingredients as the coconut in the original cooking recipe, attesting the relevance of considering the cultural and economic specificity of each location in the investigation about these linguistic forms vitality.
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