A gamificação na era da cultura digital

uma proposta didática para o ensino de Língua Inglesa


  • Alana Motta Gerlach Instituto Federal Catarinense


Gamificação na educação; Games e educação; Ensino e aprendizagem de línguas; Ensino de Língua Inglesa.


This work presents an investigation on the influence of games on the daily lives of the digital natives. It is proposed from this research, reflections on the phenomenon of gamification applied to education and its possibilities of insertion in didactic proposals for English Teaching. The intention was to problematize and contextualize this phenomenon from the reality experienced by high school students and, from this contribution, suggest possibilities of gamification application in English language teaching. This contextualization was based on the results of dialogues and issues from a gathering of data, carried out with integrated high school students, which investigated the interest of these students for games, in addition to its possible applicability in the classes. Afterwards the considerations that started from gathering of data, a path was proposed for the construction of gamified didactic proposals, as well as a reflection on the possible combination of gamification with the Task-Based Language Teaching Approach (TBLT - Task Based Learning Teaching) simultaneous with the use of digital technological resources. Beyond the discussions, the intention is to contribute to the construction of innovative English Language teaching proposals, aimed the motivation and engagement of the students that belong to the digital culture age, to a more significant, effective and critical participation in English language classes.

Author Biography


Doutorado em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (2017)
Professor do Instituto Federal Catarinense , Brasil.


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How to Cite

Motta Gerlach, A., & Portuguese. (2021). A gamificação na era da cultura digital: uma proposta didática para o ensino de Língua Inglesa. Porto Das Letras, 7(1), 427–449. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/9655