Gênero, Família e Literatura Infantil:

Homoafetividade em “O Menino que brincava de ser”, de Georgina da Costa Martins


  • Márcia Gomes de Oliveira UFT


Identity. Genre. Queer Theory. Cultural Studies. Children's literature.


This article intends to answer the question: how is the triadic relationship between gender, family and prejudice in Georgina da Costa Martins' play "The Boy Who Played to Be"? The focus is on recognizing in the literature in question the discursive passages that allow us to analyze: a) the theme of sexual diversity in the work; b) - the discursive configurations that reveal the instances of the family and society in relation to sexual diversity; c) - unveiling of manifestations of prejudice and sexual identity, revealing how the work addresses these issues. The purpose of the research is to think a way to reflect about the insertion of gender and sexuality discussions in school through the juvenile literature. Two sets of theorists will be brought to bear on the discussions: 1 - questions of gender and sexuality will be thought from queer theory theorists; 2 - the expansion of the discussions on sexuality will be carried out in line with more contemporary propositions of the writings on identity in the perspective of Cultural Studies. The result of this research is the fact that topics such as the one addressed here are not echoed in many academic instances and for this reason must be exposed more often to reach higher levels of research and social relevance.


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How to Cite

Gomes de Oliveira, M. (2020). Gênero, Família e Literatura Infantil: : Homoafetividade em “O Menino que brincava de ser”, de Georgina da Costa Martins. Porto Das Letras, 6(2), 79–94. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/7671