Imagens Da dor e do trauma em Una sola muerte numerosa, de Nora Strejilevich

notas a partir de algumas contribuições da crítica genética e da escrita de si


  • João Ricardo Pessoa Xavier de Siqueira UFPE


política; narrativas de si; crítica genética; memórias da dor e do trauma


ABSTRACT: The present essay consists on an attempt to discuss self-writing from a dialogue between the theoretical contributions of genetic criticism and the conceptual apparatus on the experience/testimony narratives which are constituted on pain and trauma. The work Una sola muerte numerosa - by the contemporary Argentine writer Nora Strejilevich was chosen as specific object of analysis. The narrative, in which fiction and reality merge, brings in itself a multiplicity of literary genres such as the novel, biography, autobiography and testimony and poetry, ventilating multiple voices, discourses and narrative focuses. The overlapping of plans - in which the lived experience, the official discourse, and the voices of others affected are intertwined - functions as a strategy in order to fulfill the purposes of claiming a subjective dimension to the witness accounts. The discussion will be unfolded in two movements: at first, it seeks to discuss the politics of writing as act, performance and process, and the notion of sharing the sensible from the contributions of Jacques Rancière (2007, 2017). The second section will focus on the theoretical discussion about genetic criticism, especially regarding the role of memory and trauma in the processes of narrative composition. It is intended, therefore, to establish an analysis that outlines, from selected excerpts, the way in which the trauma memory is constituted, processed and materialized in the literary work in question.

Keywords: politics; self-writing; genetic criticism; pain and trauma memories.

Author Biography

João Ricardo Pessoa Xavier de Siqueira, UFPE

Pesquisador da UFPE. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Siqueira, J. R. P. X. de. (2018). Imagens Da dor e do trauma em Una sola muerte numerosa, de Nora Strejilevich: notas a partir de algumas contribuições da crítica genética e da escrita de si. Porto Das Letras, 4(2), 48–63. Retrieved from

