In this article we propose gestures of interpretation regarding the institutional discourse for the access of Haitian students-subjects to higher education, with the aim of analyzing the notion of hospitality through the lens of Derridean deconstruction from a discursive-deconstructivist perspective. The analysis points to three mo(ve)ments, which we name as knowing the language to/and (demonstrate) knowledge about, know the language and (demonstrate) know about the language and, prove to know the language, which show shifts in manners of hospitality or hostility, in which the Portuguese language is taken as a (non) welcoming language. In these three mo(ve)ments, we observed that there are changes in the form of admission that increasingly require the candidate to understand the Portuguese language. Thus, at the same time as one tries to receive the other from the hospitality, what Derrida (2004) calls hos(ti)pitality is also present, as the Haitian student-subject will need to fulfill the requirements of the selection process in a language that is not theirs. Regarding this, throughout the work, we aimed to show that the so-called welcoming language is still a barrier to both access and permanence of this student, and also in other areas of society, as this is a language of the subject's daily life, necessary for their full citizenship. Therefore, we understand that, for beyond the academic space, more and more attention and actions are necessary to minimize and overcome this barrier, considering the immigrant’s voice and language in the welcoming process.
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- 2024-05-19 (2)
- 2024-05-19 (1)
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