This article is the result of an experimental pedagogical proposal and discusses the implementation of a Didactic Sequence (SD) focused on the genre of chronicles, using the Geneva School approach. The objective was to analyze the development of reading and writing skills of the students involved in the production of this genre, specifically with 7th-grade students from the final years of elementary school in a public school in Boca da Mata - AL. To achieve this, we adopted a qualitative study in the analysis of the collected material, based on the Sociodiscursive Interactionist Perspective (ISD) proposed by Bronckart (1999). It was observed that, although the students showed proficiency with narrative typology, they faced difficulties in framing their texts within the structure and characteristics of the chronicle genre. They also struggled with using connotative language, correctly applying paragraphing, and exhibited deviations regarding the proposed theme and the overall meaning of the text. However, it is noteworthy that the proposed didactic sequence favored the development of writing skills and promoted strategies for student writing, contributing to the development of literary writing practices with the genre of chronicles.
Keywords: Chronic genre; Didactic Sequence; Production of literary writing
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