Dactylological Signs of Libras:

an analysis based on Battison's Restructuring Profile


  • Raniere Alislan Almeida Cordeiro Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais https://orcid.org/0009-0006-5588-6023
  • Aline Lemos Pizzio Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


This article is an excerpt from a master's thesis and addresses an analysis of the dactylological signs of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) based on the Restructuring Profile proposed by Battison (1978). The study employs criteria for phonological analysis, especially centered on Battison's methodology (1978), adapted for Libras. The main objective is to analyze and describe dactylological signs with phonological change/adaptation. The text highlights the diversity of dactylological signs of Libras, revealing variations in the articulation of segments of phonological parameters. The authors discuss cases where phonological adaptation occurs in dactylological signs, demonstrating that not all follow the canonical form of the manual alphabet of Libras. Additionally, the work addresses the phenomenon of linguistic borrowing in sign languages, emphasizing the influence of the French Sign Language manual alphabet in the creation of the Libras manual alphabet. The historical role of dactylology in deaf education is examined, highlighting its evolution and adaptation to sign languages over time. The study methodology involved collecting dactylological entries from the Libras Dictionary (online) and the comparative analysis of these signs, using specific restructuring criteria proposed by Battison. The work presents quantitative and qualitative data, highlighting the phonological changes observed in dactylological signs. The results indicate that the majority of dactylological signs of Libras undergo phonological adaptations, demonstrating richness in the variation of these signs in Brazilian sign language. The research contributes to the phonological studies of Libras, emphasizing the importance of accurate linguistic recording to preserve and value this sign language in the Brazilian context.


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How to Cite

Almeida Cordeiro, R. A., & Lemos Pizzio, A. (2024). Dactylological Signs of Libras:: an analysis based on Battison’s Restructuring Profile. Porto Das Letras, 9(4), Artigo SL2, p. 1–35. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/18429

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