Situação sociolinguística do cárcere feminino: um dizer-grito emitido pelos olhos




In addition to all the socio-ideological imprisonments and silencing that pervade female bodies, and even more so those of black women, prisoners suffer the creation of their absences, due to the space in which they find themselves, as it is a place historically constructed to achieve erasure. of subjects considered outside the white-Eurocentric norm. The objective of this article is to highlight, through narratives, the socio-political-linguistic situation of imprisoned women, with an emphasis on the shouting that can be seen in their eyes. Through the evidentiary paradigm, when interpreting the narratives, it is expected that it will be possible to examine evidence and perceive the creative uses that the authors of the narratives make of the marked geo-political space in which they find themselves, as well as the ways in which they define themselves. and position themselves in this space that impacts and establishes inequalities that Brazilian society has reproduced since colonization.



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How to Cite

Moreira Tavares, A. (2024). Situação sociolinguística do cárcere feminino: um dizer-grito emitido pelos olhos. Porto Das Letras, 10(4), 256–269.