Espaços e os Modos de Ler Literatura



In the Brazilian context, forming literary readers is still a challenge, given the weakened public policies for the acquisition and access to updated collections and spaces for reading in a pleasant way. The work aims to discuss about the ways and intimate/public spaces to read literature. In the wake of Michèle Petit (2013), promoting forms, reading spaces is a recent idea, as access to reading had been denied for years, especially to the most vulnerable layers of society. Antonio Candido (2011) asserts that denying access to reading/literature is denying the culture of a people and what they have best in building their identity. Likewise, Rildo Cosson (2018) ensures that literature is the locus of knowledge. Thus, we will deal with the cultural good whose access promotes a political society, with a more developed cognitive and linguistic aspect. The ways and spaces for carrying out literary reading that promote the subjects/readers lasting perceptions of reading. For this perspective, we propose to weave reflections along the lines of a Didactic Sequence, how the reader of the literary text can reach fruition with discussions that cross and/or permeate the pragmatic purpose. In this way, we anchored in conceptualizing the types of readings, modalizing spaces and ways of reading literature according to Regina Zilberman (2019), Teresa Colomer (2007) Roger Chartier (1999), among others who dedicated their work to reader formation literary.

Author Biography


Mestranda em Linguística e Literatura (PPGLLIT/UFNT). Professora da Educação Básica Municipal - SEMED-TO.


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How to Cite

Gomes, D. P., & Santos , J. (2024). Espaços e os Modos de Ler Literatura. Porto Das Letras, 9(3), 61 – 75. Retrieved from