Análise Linguística na perspectiva dialógica em Relatórios de Estágio Supervisionado



Within the scope of Applied Linguistics, the practice of Linguistic Analysis has been used as a stitching point for language practices in teacher training. On the other hand, in the school environment, traditional grammar teaching still prevails based on classifications, using the text as a pretext for analyzing isolated terms, making it impossible to use the language effectively in various situations of social interaction. In place of this model considered outdated, grammar studies focus on reflection on linguistic use and language exercise. This article aims to verify the conception of linguistic analysis (LA) recorded in Reports of Supervised Internships in Portuguese Language and Literature I and II of a degree course in Letters. This is a documentary, qualitative and descriptive research located in the field of Indisciplinary Applied Linguistics, having as theoretical foundation the contributions of linguistic studies related to the Dialogical perspective, grammatical studies and Linguistic Analysis. The results of this study show that undergraduate students understand the relevance of LA in the critical-social formation of students, however, during the regencies in Portuguese language classes, teachers in initial training, for the most part, adopted a traditional teaching approach, that is, they did not prioritize grammatical studies (linguistic, epilinguistic and metalinguistic activities).

Author Biography

Mario Ribeiro Morais Morais, Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)

Doutor em Ensino de Língua e Literatura. Professor efetivo do Curso de Letras da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), Câmpus de Porto Nacional. É membro permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras (PPGL). E-mail:



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How to Cite

Gonçalves dos Santos, L., & Morais, M. R. M. (2023). Análise Linguística na perspectiva dialógica em Relatórios de Estágio Supervisionado . Porto Das Letras, 9(Especial), 271–288. Retrieved from



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