

In this paper we propose to analyze two tales from the book "Ninguém Matou Suhura: estórias que ilustram a História" (2009), by Lília Momplé, focused on the theme of exploitation and violence experienced during the Portuguese colonization in Mozambique. Based on the critical approach of postcolonial studies, we will develop an analysis that highlights the physical and emotional abuses present in the short stories "Caniço" and "Aconteceu em Saua-Saua". Both stories portray the lives of characters who have suffered from the processes of domination, exploitation, slave labor, violence and misery that spread throughout the narratives. Based on the arguments of the critics of postcolonial studies of Albert Memmi, Fantz Fanon, Louis Althusser, José Luís Cabaço and Thomas Bonnici, we intend to highlight the impacts of colonialism on the colonized characters, the subalternization that they were destined, the clash between colonized and colonizer, the repressive state apparatuses, the atmospheric tension that permeated the lives of the protagonists and Mussa Racua's attempts at resistance. Through critical studies and literature that influences the social environment, we intend to demystify the process of Portuguese colonization, which, in reality, was a process of extreme violence that left deep marks on the lives of the characters.


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How to Cite

dos Santos Ramos, E., Sautiro Fernandes, P., & Helení Velasques Gonçalves Ferreira Lima, S. (2024). MUSSA RACUA E NAFTAL: VIOLÊNCIA COLONIAL. Porto Das Letras, 9(3), 267 – 278 . Retrieved from