Evidências de práticas colonizadoras A árvore que chora, de Vicki Baum
Evidências de práticas colonizadoras A árvore que chora, de Vicki Baum
This paper aims to analyze the colonization evidences in the novel The weeping wood, by Vicki Baum (2022). Rubber is the central element, moving space, time and characters throughout the narrative, presenting colonization in the process of rubber exploitation in the Amazon. The methodology is based on a postcolonial studies critical approach about the Amazonian literature, with theoretical support from authors such as Albert Memmi, Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, Neide Gondim, among others. The results indicate that the analyzed novel shows colonization elements, expressed in oppression, exploitation and power relations present in the rubber plantations. Rubber is represented as a dialectical element, moving the entire narrative and, given its central position in the plot - and in its ambiguity (life/death; dream/misfortune; victim/villain) - it presents the power relations inside the narrative context. The dialectic manifested in the rubber element is also present in the colonization process, making the colonized as lacking and dependent on the colonizer, while, at the same time, wants to leave his status as dominated and exploited. The novel highlights the colonization process in the rubber plantations, authorizing, through the inferiorization and denial of the other, the exploitation and dehumanization imposed by the dominant culture, justifying oppression and violence. These evidences demonstrate that literature is an important tool for perceiving the existing power relations of/in the Amazon colonization process.
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