

ABSTRACT: The objective of this article is to demonstrate the relevance of a work based on the language of theater as a way to stimulate students to approach the fictional universe, in order to optimize the teaching of literature and Portuguese language through literary literacy and discursive/textual genres. In this perspective, based on the concept of active methodologies (BACICH; MORAN, 2018), it is proposed the execution of a project aimed at the assembly of a theatrical piece created by the students. The theoretical foundation, based on socio-interactionism (BAKHTIN, 1997), counts on authors such as Boal (2009), Spolin (1979 and 2011), and Koudela and Santana (2005) regarding the theoretical principles of theater. While Candido (1995, 2002) and Lajolo (2004) provide subsidies about the conceptions of reading and the importance of literature in the formation of the individual, Cosson (2014) and Soares (2004) contribute to the framework about literary literacy. The methodology covers all aspects inherent to the assembly of a play, from the study of the specificities of the dramatic text to the characteristics of body language. On the other hand, there are also issues such as transposition of textual genres, linguistic analysis and intertextuality, through the comparison between narrative texts and dramatic texts and the elaboration of the script of the play to be assembled.


Palavras-chave : Literature; literary literacy; theater; teaching.



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How to Cite

Augusta Lopes Costa, E. (2024). THEATER AS A STRATEGY FOR READER FORMATION. Porto Das Letras, 9(3), 98 – 113. Retrieved from