A submissão e o silenciamento da mulher representada no conto "Miss Jaqueline", de Livia Garcia-Roza





The short story “Miss Jaqueline” by Livia Garcia-Roza, which makes up the collection Restou o dog, presents in the peculiar format of only dialogues, the routine of a submissive woman who lives under the yoke of her husband, who does not miss opportunities to humiliate her. -there. Even without the voice of a narrator, the reader can infer the couple's routine and even some past events, based only on the narrative's dialogues. Based on this premise, the present work proposes to analyze the condition of contemporary women, represented by the character Jaqueline, the symbolic/psychological violence and the consequent female silencing, as these are recurring themes in the short story proposed for analysis. In addition, we will consider the narrative characteristics adopted by the author. As support for the analyzes carried out, the text Pode o subalterno falar?, by G. C. Spivak and Tendências e impasses: o feminism como crítica da Cultura, by H. B. Hollanda.


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How to Cite

Teodoro, D. L. da C. (2024). A submissão e o silenciamento da mulher representada no conto "Miss Jaqueline", de Livia Garcia-Roza. Porto Das Letras, 10(Especial), 161–171. https://doi.org/10.20873.24e11