Do amor e da morte

considerações sobre a fotografia em Roland Barthes e Italo Calvino




This article aims to present a reading of Italo Calvino's story "A aventura de um fotógrafo," based on the reflections approached by Roland Barthes in A câmara clara, including those that unfold when he returns as Calvino's motor or story. Originally published as a research project in 1955, with the title "Le follie del mirino," it managed to be included after the book Os amores difíceis, along with other texts that do not bear the title or term "adventure," used by Barthes to define his experience with photography - the attraction that certain photos have on him is like an experience of "adventure," not the same feeling of "communion," of the "soul." The French critic comments on photography based on two experiences: that of the subject being looked at and that of the subject looking at it, while Calvino's character lives in the experience of a photographer, albeit an amateur one. Despite this difference, both seek the essence of photography, the trait that is peculiar and fundamental. Therefore, I propose a theory about the image and its relationship with the human for each of them.


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How to Cite

Maia, C. C., & dos Santos Silva, L. (2024). Do amor e da morte: considerações sobre a fotografia em Roland Barthes e Italo Calvino. Porto Das Letras, 10(2), 148–161.