



Olga Savary's poetry, obsessively investigated through the paths of eroticism, will be detailed in this work under the optics of a theme that, it seems, is inseparable from her poetics: Melancholia. The book Espelho Provisório (1970) whispers an unsettling absent presence, and it can be seen that absence is an ostensive character in the book. This research grapples with the hypothesis of the projection of melancholic images in Olga Savary's inaugural work, Provisional Mirror, emphasizing the love presence/absence as one of the predominant themes in the book. The investigation faces the poems “Mito”; “Medusa, um nome mágico (um exorcismo)”; e “Abstrata”, three secretive poems, and aims to identify the eruption of images of Melancholia as one of the lines of force in that work. The apparitions of the spleenetic, sometimes allegorized, sometimes boldly manifesting themes inseparable from black humor, roam throughout the book. Savary's poetry is relentless in its pursuit of an immeasurable range of images that are not exhausted in the saturnine content, but, as this study proposes, it is an undeniable theme, and perhaps the most blatant. In this sense, the imagetic complexity found in only three poems of the book runs into many absences: among them, the absence of an attentive look at the poetry of Olga Savary. 

Keywords: Olga Savary; Melancholy; Espelho Provisório; Poetry from Pará.


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How to Cite

Sena, M. (2024). A MELANCOLIA DIANTE DO ESPELHO PROVISÓRIO, DE OLGA SAVARY. Porto Das Letras, 10(2), 183–195. https://doi.org/10.20873.24210