A poética do Eros na palavra

uma leitura estilística da poesia epitalâmica de Max Martins





The present work proposes to analyze the stylistic-lexical aspects present in the compositional structure of the poem “Breve epitalâmio”, belonging to the book entitled Não para consolar (1992), a collection of works gathered between the years 1952 to 1992, by Max Martins. Thus, it will fit here to combine a succinct interpretation of the morphic and lexical elements used in the artist's poem, the founding foundations of the style of his fictional creation, very influenced by the rupture propagated in the modern lyric since Baudelaire. Thus, as theoretical support, the contributions bequeathed by Monteiro (2005), Lapa (1991), Martins (1989), Discini (2009) and Guiraud (1978), about the concepts and methods of literary analysis provided by the bias of stylistics, the science of expressiveness; as well as studies by Cardoso (2004, 2013) and Guilbert (1975), regarding the procedures concerning the stylistic analysis of lexical strand, also called morphological stylistics. It is assumed that poetic creation, in Max Martins, is based on rhetorical effects corresponding to a skilful relationship between the poet and the language resources in their possibilities, in order to establish a dialogue between the plane of form (expressive plane) and the plane of content (thematic plan), with regard to a working of writing as a potentiality of a relationship permeated by the existing Eros between the craftsman and the language.


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How to Cite

Bessa Ferreira, R. (2024). A poética do Eros na palavra : uma leitura estilística da poesia epitalâmica de Max Martins. Porto Das Letras, 10(Especial), 240–252. https://doi.org/10.20873.24e16