A poesia em A pintura em pânico, de Jorge de Lima
This article aims to analyze the book A pintura em pânico (1943), by the Alagoas writer Jorge de Lima, with emphasis on the interart relationship present in the work, since it is built through verses and photomontages. The work highlights both the structural level of Lima's images - based on the collage technique - and the meanings suggested in each problematized production, which are fostered by metalanguage, when taking into account the perceptions of the modernist about poetry in the 20th century. This perspective, critical and interpretative, is relevant not only for discussing a little-studied work of Brazilian Literature, but also for reflecting on the compression of poetry from the developments of the last century. Therefore, the author from Alagoas uses a form of modern poetry - photomontage - to think about the presence (or not) of poetry in the period. In this sense, the present study is based on the theoretical postulates of Friedrich (1978), Benjamin (2020) and other authors.
Graduado em Letras pela Universidade Estadual de Alagoas (UNEAL). Especialista em Ensino, Linguagem e Pluriletramento pela UNEAL. Mestre em Letras pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE , com bolsa do CNPq. Interessa-se por Teoria da Literatura, Literatura Comparada e Literatura Alagoana.
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