This study aims to understand the individuation process observed in the trajectory of the character Bilbo Baggins, through Middle-earth, in the narrative The hobbit, by J. R. R. Tolkien. The individuation process is the journey that leads to the development of psychic wholeness in an individual, real or fictional, like characters in literature, and that leads to a state of psychic unification. To understand this process, we used the studies of Jung (2015) and Von Franz (2008) and, for the analysis of the symbols that appear in the course of Tolkien's narrative, we used the Dictionary of Symbols, by Chevalier and Gheerbrant (2009). For this purpose, the mapping of important moments of the plot was undertaken for later analysis of the stages of the individuation process, as proposed by Von Franz. It was observed that Bilbo Baggins' beliefs and attitudes did indeed change and that the character reached a state of inner unification between his conscious and unconscious minds at the end of the narrative.
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