Experiences for an other discursiveness of space



The article presents a perspective on mapping, in the sense of a semiotics of space, as a possibility of a form of discursive writing. It moves away from the utilitarian conceptions of the map that permeate the pedagogical and literary discourse and instead, follows the conceptions of Ingold (2015) and Masschelein (2008), which present a relationship between mapping and walking from a Benjaminian inspiration. Inspired by exercises carried out with Jan Masschelein himself, we present mapping experiences carried out and coordinated by us in two different contexts: in a teacher training course in Lima, Peru, and in a discipline in a postgraduate course in Padova, Italy. The article shows how these experiences embody the meanings present in the works of Ingold and Masschelein and suggests the mapping or semiotics of spaces as a possibility of exercising discourse production, one that pays more attention to what is invisible and minor in spaces and fields than to what we are led to observe by the hegemonic forces of visibilization. Finally, it proposes attention and presence as the main meanings of a philosophical and generous posture in writing the world and discourse production.


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How to Cite

Contage, D. G., & Taramona-Trigoso, J. M. (2023). MAPPING THE UNSPEAKABLE: Experiences for an other discursiveness of space. Porto Das Letras, 9(1), 336–359. Retrieved from