In recent years, the Brazilian publishing market has witnessed a significant prominence of book subscription clubs, specifically for children's works. In this context, the club Minha Pequena Feminista stands out, whose main purposes go beyond encouraging reading, aiming at training male chauvinist boys and empowering girls. In this sense, the objective of this research is to analyze how gender equality is represented on the covers of ten children's books from the aforementioned club, based on the configured multimodal semiotic resources. For this purpose, the theoretical assumptions of Multimodal Social Semiotics (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006[1996]) were used, which understands language as a semiotic system of choices, not restricted only to the linguistic semiotic mode, but also to other semiotic modes, such as the visual mode. As for the categories of analysis, the visual metafunctions proposed by the grammar of visual design were adopted, precisely the representational and interactive meanings. The main results of the research point to a certain tendency to transgress sexist imagery patterns of girls’ representation, such as: the absence of pink in their clothing as a predominant color, when showing them involved in intellectual and social activities that are not those of taking care of dolls and doing household chores – thus suggesting that children can be whatever they want to be, regardless of the gender they identify with.
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