

Studies on oblique pronouns are still reduced, especially in terms of how they are distributed socially and spatially in Brazilian states, while discussions about the conditionings through which variation occurs between nós and a gente seems to be ordinary.  In this article, then, the variation of the pronoun used to answer the question of Morphosyntactic Questionnaire 019 is prioritized: ‘se nós dois estamos tomando café e queremos mais uma pessoa na mesa, dizemos que essa pessoa venha tomar café...’  For this, we used the studies by Almeida (1982), Coutinho (1974) and Pinho (2010) who discussed synchronously and diachronically the tonic oblique pronouns preceded by the preposition com so that the theoretical support appropriate to the study proposed here was followed and, thus, dialogue the variational perspectives with typological questions. The corpus of analysis started from the variants conosco, com nós, com a gente, mais nós, mais a gente and nós três, recorded in the morphosyntactic letter 04 of the Pernambuco Linguistic Atlas (ALiPE), built by Sá (2013). From an examination in the light of the diatopic and diastratic dimensions, it was possible to observe the predominance of innovative variants at the expense of the conservative variant conosco that obtained a limited number of occurrences in the state. 


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How to Cite

Sá, E. (2022). O PRONOME CONOSCO NA FALA DOS PERNAMBUCANOS: UMA ANÁLISE GEOSSOCIOLINGUÍSTICA. Porto Das Letras, 8(2), s22008. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/14514