

This article intends to present a proposed interpretation of the author-creator's position in the novels Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas and São Bernardo. In our analysis, we seek to emphasize the melancholic posture assumed by Brás Cubas and Paulo Honório before the world they represent. Considering the author-creator as an aesthetic-formal and axiological position from which we have access to the narrated events (BAKHTIN, 2000), that is, to the work, we understand that, in both novels, the author-creators repeatedly place themselves in a negative relationship with the hero and the world they represent, raising the image of a world devoid of a priori meaning, which will be reflected in the melancholic tone given to the narrative of their lives. In this way, we understand that in these novels we have excellent archetypes of the contemporary novel form, marked by the crisis of the narrator's position (ADORNO, 2003) before the content of the narrative - life. According to the interpretation we propose, both Brás Cubas and Paulo Honório narrate their lives through the prism of disenchantment, of the lack of purpose of the narrated matter that constitutes their biographies.


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How to Cite

da Silva Santos, R. K. (2022). O MUNDO DESTITUÍDO DE SENTIDO: UMA ANÁLISE DO AUTOR-CRIADOR EM MEMÓRIAS PÓSTUMAS DE BRÁS CUBAS E EM SÃO BERNARDO. Porto Das Letras, 8(4), 375–396. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/13740