uma leitura dialógica


  • José Domingos Universidade Estadual da Paraíba
  • Cellyane Sousa Negreiros Universidade Estadual da Paraíba


This article aims to analyze the discourse produced by feminist advertisements in the Brazilian media. Based on the concept of dialogism in Bakhtin (2006), the research sought to establish, through advertisements aimed at the female audience, how the discussion of female empowerment is materialized. To do so, we start from the discourses that appear in Vogue Brazilian and Avon Magazines print advertising, considering the way in which the discursive construction about female empowerment is presented in these magazines. This is a bibliographical research, with a qualitative approach. The results showed that Vogue enunciates from the stereotypes of beauty internalized in society, and, thus, the dialogical relationship is established through a discursiveness that seeks to reproduce the current patterns in the social environment about women. Avon, on the other hand, presents other possibilities, which can be seen in the recognition of new identities, beauty, body and what can actually be considered as a woman and the very act of empowerment. We found the need to rethink the way in which these media discourses on the figure of women, either through a discursive construction that reproduces a stereotyped beauty pattern or in the circulation of sayings about empowerment, when they open spaces to discuss other possibilities for the existence of bodies and identities.


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How to Cite

Domingos, J., & Sousa Negreiros, C. (2022). THE ADVERTISING GENDER AND FEMALE EMPOWERMENT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF BAKHTINIAN DIALOGISM: uma leitura dialógica. Porto Das Letras, 8(1), 41–61. Retrieved from