Amadeu Amaral

Amadeu Amaral: A Folk Linguist


  • Maria José Basso Marques Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso


This paper aims, through a bibliographic and epistemological survey on Popular Linguistics (Folk) (PAVEAU, 2018, [2019]), to understand this new field of knowledge and to make some reflections on the work O Dialecto Caipira by Amadeu Amaral (1920), production by a non-linguist writer whose work describes the dialect of Brazil revealing a stage of evolution of the Portuguese language in six (06) cities in São Paulo: Capivari, Piracicaba, Tietê, Itu, Sorocaba and São Carlos, where he made his observations and where its few informants originated. After the readings and analyzes carried out, we understand that, on the scale of spontaneous knowledge domains about language, proposed by Marie Anne Paveau (2018), there is a place as a folk linguist for writers endowed with linguistic and plurilingual knowledge who make a description about the tongue. It is in this perspective that we reflect on the writer Amadeu Amaral regarding the production of the book O Dialecto Caipira.


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How to Cite

Basso Marques, M. J. (2021). Amadeu Amaral: Amadeu Amaral: A Folk Linguist. Porto Das Letras, 7(4), 171–183. Retrieved from

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