A (res)significação de estigmas na canção Bixa Preta:
os não linguistas e os embates discursivos
The Folk linguistics, which was postulated in its French context, considers the role of non-linguists in the scientific production of language in society. Based on folk knowledge and its theoretical insights, we will propose an analytical corpus that will investigate the process of (re) signification of the black and the gay term, seen as a circulating stigmatized effect, mostly for a language aimed at black, homosexual and transvestite / transsexual people, and therefore propose through these, an empowered reflection of their bodies and actions. In a qualitative research of bibliographic and interpretative nature, the object of interest for this analysis is the song Bixa Preta, composed and performed by the group Mc Linn da Quebrada.
Key words: Folk Linguistics ; Discourse ;Song.
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