Novas discursividades para a linguística popular

os comentários on-line sobre uma língua


  • Mariana Morales da Silva UFSCar


Since the advent of web 2.0, Internet users have occupied the digital space, taking a stand on a wide range of topics, one of which is language itself. Interested in exploring some potentialities that the Digital Discourse offers to the field of the Folk Linguistics, this study aims to propose and test the fecundity of the territory of online comments produced by non-linguist Internet users about a language. Considering the potential trigger of polemics (AMOSSY, 2017) on terms that are beyond what is considered “normal” in the language (NIEDZIELSKI; PRESTON, 2021), there were selected internet users’ online comments in response of on-line news that discuss the phenomenon of the incorporation of terms such as crush and shippar, typical of the theme of relationships in the digital age, in Brazilian Portuguese. It was observed, according to Jara Murillo (2021), the marks of judgments, signs of belonging to a certain group, traits of loyalty and linguistic insecurity and types of argumentations mobilized. In addition, the analysis used the discursive categorization proposed by Paveau (2020) of prescriptive, descriptive, interventionist or militant metalinguistic practices. It is concluded, with the analytical exercise undertaken, that, although some typical details of data collection from open interviews can be lost, the on-line comments bring the potential of recovering spontaneous knowledge of the language produced also in a spontaneous way and at real environments  by non-linguists. And it can also cover the debates engendered among internet users due to the web's afordances.

Key-words: Folk Linguistic; Digital Discourse; Web 2.0; On-line comments; Relationships in the digital age.


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How to Cite

Morales da Silva, M. (2021). Novas discursividades para a linguística popular: os comentários on-line sobre uma língua . Porto Das Letras, 7(4), 59–82. Retrieved from