Linguística Popular e Análise do Discurso
possibilidades de diálogo entre línguas e teorias com Greengo Dictionary
If a language belongs to its speakers, anyone can reflect on it, especially when technology amplifies all the voices online – including the non-linguists ones. Such folk knowledge may contribute substantially to understanding and questioning the language in use, rebuilding its meanings, fading its ideologies away or spreading them and promoting a direct dialogue between Linguistic Studies and real speakers’ perceptions of language. This study is based on these ideas. Supported by Folk Linguistics approaches, we intend to investigate the Instagram profile Greengo Dictionary, a digital lexicon which translates Brazilian words and expressions into English language. Integrating folk and linguistic knowledge, we aim to analyze discursively the perceptions of the graphic designer Matheus Diniz about his mother tongue and English Language through an integrative approach with Discourse Analysis. The research investigates the interface between this dictionary and memes, it recognizes a decolonialist perspective of translation, identifying its ideologies and Carnivalization processes. The discussion is based on the studies of Marie-Anne Paveau (2018; 2019); Guy Achard Bayle (2019); Roberto Leiser Baronas, Tamires Bonani Conti (2019); Kanavillil Rajagopalan (2005); Bakhtin Circle (2018; 2011) and its Brazilian facilitators, such as José Luiz Fiorin, Norma Discini, Beth Brait (2006); Anderson Salvaterra Magalhães and Maria Elizabeth da Silva Queijo (2015). This paper establishes a dialogue among folk linguists and language specialists, highlighting the contributions of folk knowledge to the Language Studies’ field.
Keywords: Folk Linguistics; Dialogic Discourse Analysis; Greengo Dictionary; Dialogism; Carnivalization.
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