Estudo e análise enunciativa de formas linguísticas em diferentes línguas
The objective of this paper is to observe the construction of the meaning of linguistic forms in their use in different languages from the studies of Saussure, Benveniste, and some of their readers, from the perspective of the Linguistics of Enunciation. Then, we present an analysis of some terms from these languages: English, Spanish and Italian. We show, with examples of the use of these terms, that it is impossible to translate the semiotic domain of the language, being possible, on the other hand, a “translation” of the semantic domain, when we take into account the language in use. Therefore, the key point of this paper is to promote the understanding that each language has its signs, with their values, and that they are unique and impossible to be used equally in different linguistic realities. The central issue lies in the linguistic meaning of the sign/linguistic form that builds different meanings when it is in use, enabling and (dis)abling its translation.
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FLORES, V. N. Introdução à teoria enunciativa de Benveniste. 1. ed. São Paulo: Parábola, 2013;
NORMAND, C. Saussure-Benveniste. Letras, Santa Maria, v. 2, n. 33, p. 13-21, dez. 2006;
SAUSSURE, F. D. Curso de Linguística Geral. 28. ed. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2012;
STUMPF, E. Saussure e Benveniste: ultrapassagem ou rompimento? In: CELSUL, 8, 2008, UFRGS. Anais... Porto Alegre: 2008;
TOLDO, C. O aparelho formal da enunciação: que aparelho é este? Desenredo, Passo Fundo, v. 14, n. 3, p. 424-434, dez. 2018;
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